Ziggy, the underwater videographer and producer of For The Sea, has been working on a fresh marine conservation video series for Israel’s largest news website, YNET. Funding for the first season of 12 shorts secured thanks to the support the Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. The episodes explore a marine animal or marine related issue in a musical video clip style to introduce it to people so they become familiar and can appreciate. The episodes are accompanied with an article describing Ziggy’s experience meeting the sea animal and interwoven with interesting scientific facts. Follow the developments at ForTheSea.com.
Marine Life Video Clips Series Will Air Soon On YNET
By For The Sea|2017-06-24T02:14:33+00:00July 13th, 2015|Cinematography, Films, Marine Life, Media, Outreach, Projects, World Locations|0 Comments
About the Author: For The Sea